If you're in need of a quick nature fix while in Knoxville, Tennessee, I have the perfect Day Trip planned for you!
The Augusta Quarry at Fort Dickerson is a spectacular sight of gorgeous turquoise water that fills a 350' deep quarry. There is an overlook at the top and then a quick drive around to the other side of the water will get you to an entrance with a parking lot where you can do a little hiking up to the top or just head right to the bottom for sexy selfie's!
According to knoxvilletn.gov, "One of the best-preserved earthen forts from the Civil War era rests on a knob just across the river from downtown, providing a high vantage point to get a full view of the downtown skyline as well as the high peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains."

After your quarry stop, head over to Calhoun's on the River for a badass barbecue meal with a fabulously friendly staff and spectacular views overlooking the Tennessee River!
Augusta Quarry: https://www.knoxvilletn.gov/government/city_departments_offices/parks_and_recreation/parks/fort_dickerson_park___augusta_quarry
Calhouns on the River: https://calhouns.com/menus-and-locations/tennessee-river/
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